Toronto Trauma Scene Cleaning

trauma scene cleaning toronto

Our Toronto trauma scene cleaning services involve the cleaning and remediation of blood and other various potentially infectious materials from homes, businesses, job sites and transportation vehicles. Our technicians are specially trained to handle these sensitive situations so that family, friends and property owners/ managers can avoid additional grief, stress or devastation.

Most individuals and businesses are not familiar with this side of our business, that is, until a tragedy or crisis strikes. Many people assume that the police or EMS clean-up after they are finished investigating a trauma scene. In reality, this is not the case at all. Emergency services usually leave the clean-up for the property owner. GTA will handle your Toronto trauma scene cleaning needs for you.

Unfortunately, most police and fire services are not permitted to make referrals. This is where the caring team at GTA Property Services Group can help. We clean up many types of trauma scenes and will devise cleaning strategies for the following: suicides, homicides, unattended death &decomposition, illicit drug labs, accidents/vehicles, blood borne/airborne pathogens, distressed property, gross filth, odourremediation, fingerprint Dust and tear gas/pepper spray.

We have a 24/7 emergency response team, ready and prepared to safely and discreetly cleanup ANY emergency scene.

If you’ve encountered an emergency or tragedy of this nature, please call us right away at (416) 999-3930 or 1(866) 858-8598 for any Toronto Trauma Scene cleaning needs.